Saturday, March 24, 2007

ipswich jokes


Q. Two Ipswich girls jump off a cliff. Who wins?
A. Society

Q. What does a Ipswich girl use as protection during sex?
A. Bus shelter.

Q. What do you call a 30 year old Ipswich girl?
A. Granny

Q. Why did the Ipswich girl cross the road?
A. To start a fight with a complete stranger for no reason what so ever.

Q. What do you call a Ipswich girl in a white tracksuit?
A . The bride.

Q. What's the first question during a Ipswich quiz night?
A. What you looking at?

Q. Two Ipswich's in a car without any music - who is driving?
A. The policeman!

Q. What's the difference between a Ipswich boy and a Ipswich girl?
A. A Ipswich girl has a higher sperm count.


Dave said...

they are some pretty funny jokes

i dont know how i found the time to make them all up

Chris said...

you probably did it while all your mates were wasting their life playing the WoW.

p.s. your blog rocks!

Anonymous said...

I think I stole all the material actually.. I like stealing stuff and claiming it to be me.

It's how i roll;

Dave said...


off my blog you fucking imposter

i didnt slave for years coming up with all this gold for chrissy to put it on th internets to have you claim i steal stuff and pass it off as my own

and whoever i stole those jokes off should be fucking stoked that they are getting exposure because of me and their association with me

and i wrote them all myslef anyway, i have them here on a bit of paper, but no camera to take photos of to prove it

so nyer

Anonymous said...

oh cool anonymous comments no body can guess who I am!

Dave Broughton said...

Don't make me change it so you can't post anonymously.

Anonymous said...

sorry about that i really like people posting anonymously and would never change that setting. if i did everyone would be right to say i am lame.

Anonymous said...

u r

Dave said...

3 of me


Goody said...

i'll just be me then hey >

and i love dave !

Dave said...

yay, goody worked out how to sign in to his gmail account!