Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New Desk Day

Posted by Chris

Yesterday Dave went from this:

Image might have been slightly manipluated

To this:

Apparently it was so exciting I received no less than 10 emails about it and about how no-one was allowed to touch it. God Damn I hate this blog.



Dave said...


i bet your new super job and all the money and travel they are throwing at you doesnt look so flash now, DOES IT?

Chris said...

Well I don't even have a desk at my new job. My workplace changes every month or so.

Unknown said...

THat was an exciting day for us at QM because it has been a litte quiet lately as no one has been escorted or resigned for a few days. I touched it.

Chris said...

haha nice one Jooooles

Dave said...

id be resigning immediately, or at least demanding a desk of some sort

Chris said...

But I like going new places and not having a desk. It's exciting!

Anonymous said...

It's a real shame Dave no longer has a pole between his legs.

Unknown said...

I also sat on his chair and opened the lockable drawer when he wasn't looking. Sounds like yu are having an adventure with your new job Chris